Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Poles cheer and give a round of applause when the plane lands. wouldn't see THAT sort of thing in England! Gosh no!

Hello from Poland! My name is Jonny, i will be your blogger. Pretentious travel writing is the future!!

As part of my apprenticeship year with the Navigators I have gone on a Summer trip to Wroclaw in Poland. I am staying with a Polish pastor called Luke Klykow who helps run an English language school, a church, and lots of youth programmes. He is looking after me ,and we will work together over the next 6 weeks.

Ernesto Guevara famously set out on a journey with a close friend around south america. His experiences and discoveries on that trip shaped his thoughts and convictions about the need for a social revolution for the under-represented lower classes. I don't particularly want to stage violent revolution, be captured and killed by the CIA and become an iconic
anti-establishment figure. But the point is that new places, people, and experiences can change you. I want to return wiser, more faithful, more grateful, and with greater purpose.

So...its raining here in Olowa (near Wroclaw). I thought you should all know that.

Over the next 6 weeks i will be...
- Teaching english conversation at a week-long kids event in town
- Going to a Polish arts and music festival to do some more english conv classes
- Visiting a homeless people outreach in Wroclaw
- Going travelling up to Krakow and Rapka for some space to pray about the future.

Any prayers or encoragement or blog-heckling is welcome!
Lots of love


  1. Well done on getting a blog up - the ethiopia guys are have an eye opening time :-)

    Will be praying,


  2. Woohoo! Have a good time J-Man. They should put you on a t-shirt. Like this:

